Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Game by Neil Strauss

Well every once and a while I come across a book that alters the way I think about things, I think The Game has done that for me. Mostly it confirms my respect for Gandhian philosophy (my thoughts haven't changed much on that), but it's the details, insights, clarity and warnings of the book that really set it apart from the crowd.

I heard once that if we want to write, we should read the best authors, not to replicate their writing, but to find how they discovered their own voice in their writing. Our task then is to find our own voice. This for me is the message of The Game. What I found so admirable about Niel's journey is the discipline and passion that Niel works on himself, the way he strives for change, even if its ultimately so wasted on such a superficial endeavour.

Ever since I read Tony Robbins Awaken the Giant Within (which despite it's shortfalls has a lot of great stuff in it) I've always thought about doing NLP and learning more about conversation. There's a couple of short courses at NSW Uni, maybe I should give them a go?

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